Author of two previously published books in the Paige Holmes Series, Charlotte celebrates the publication of a much different story -- The Black Door.
One day, Imogen Pearce thought she'd surprise her husband by returning home early from work, only she was the one surprised. Imogen learned two things in the instant -- what reverse cowgirl was and that her husband was cheating on her. Years of marriage and four children, Imogen suddenly finds herself single mother going on 40 and trying to raise her kids on her meager income. She's unsure about her future with Ryedale Inc, as much younger employees (read: paid less) compete for work with her. If she's going to raise her kids properly, she's going to have to fight. Even if it means taking on the account of a local adult store, owned by Cherry and Sean Rubin.
The black door at the back of the shop had intrigued Imogen since she first saw the descrete sign -- Adventurers Only. She works up the nerve to ask the Rubins about. Imogen discovers her new friends are running a private club at the back of the shop, and that she knows several members. The black door leads Imogen into a life she never knew existed, and one which reveals not only her innermost passions, but also reveals the life she thought she knew was full of lies. Just when she feels she's starting to get her life back on track, deep secrets start emerging.
The Black Door isn't your typical erotic romance. It's much more -- contemporary romance and romantic suspense, as well as a tale of revenge and forgiveness. Imogen finds herself in an all-too-common scenario of a suddenly single mother trying to make ends meet, while her philandering ex husband lives the life of Reilly. It's bad enough he's been cheating on her, but when other secrets begin surfacing, Imogen's life feel like it's shattering around her. Charlotte's voice pulls the reader into Imogen's story in such a sharp way that one can't help but see and experience everything alongside Imogen. It's not difficult to feel her struggle, and her path through the dark to a new life. This is an emotive story that one will want to try reading in one go. Charlotte has done an excellent job with this story and put a fresh spin on the genre, introducing us to a heroine we can't help but find engaging and likable. Great job, Charlotte!
Charlotte visited with us for a quick chat --
Welcome to Heart of Fiction, Charlotte, and thanks for taking time from your busy day to have a quick chat.
I know you to be a busy woman with lots of irons in the fire, with your own family, growing pet family, and loads of writing projects. How do you get it all of your projects done? Do you have a routine or wing it . . . planner or pantser, as they say?
I don’t particularly have a routine, as such. I work during the day, and have two small children, so it really is “when I get the chance”. Plus, with what I write, I have to wait until they’re not around! I tend to do my writing at night once the kids are in bed.
I have to have a large mug of tea while I’m writing. I tend to use my favourite red and white spotty mug. Wow. That sounds so boring!There's something ironically amusing about this revelation . . . writing erotic fiction while drinking tea form a boring mug. If only that mug could talk!
So, when the kids are in bed and you have a chance to write, what is your space like?
Sofa, laptop, cup of tea. I used to have a desk with two screens, but felt like I was abandoning the family by locking myself away in an office, so I moved downstairs. I still ignore them and let them all fend for themselves while I’m writing and editing, but at least I’m in the same room now!Ah! The one thing people don't realize about writers . . . the isolation and locking oneself away for hours to *create*.
What do you enjoy doing when you're not writing?
Drinking tea, watching action and thriller movies, eating curry, and reading books!
Mmm . . . curry!
Thanks so much for chatting with us, Charlotte. Best of luck with The Black Door.
Readers -- Before we get to the blurb and excerpt, remember that we're giving away a copy of this book to one lucky commenter. Be sure to leave your email address for contact.
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Men. All the bloody same.
My mind traced back to the day I had given up on one-sided monogamous relationships.
The children were at school or work, and the sun was beating down. It was a glorious day, and I had decided to go home for lunch, rather than spend it in a stuffy office.
I pulled up outside the house and a fleeting thought passed through my mind when I saw Connor’s car sitting in the driveway. My husband of eighteen years had had the same idea.
I crept into the house, hoping to surprise him. But, it turned out that his idea had involved a slutty bottle-blonde.
I wanted to blame the events that followed on a red mist descending over me. The truth is that in the time it took for my mind to register that some tart was riding my husband in what I later found out was known as reverse cowgirl, my mind had calculated the necessary response.
The skank lost a good handful of bleached hair, roots and all. I allowed her to gather her clothes and watched as she tugged her pants on whilst running out of the house. If nothing else, the neighbours got a good show.
Connor yelled at me. But his words were drowned out by the blood pumping in my ears. I marched back up the stairs and into his little study. Opening the window, I saw Miss Slut stood in the middle of the road, screeching obscenities at me. I looked at the Ferrari in our driveway and smiled.
I think his Xbox enjoyed its first and final flying lesson as it sailed out of the window. The fact that it landed in the bonnet of his prized mid-life crisis proved that Karma does exist.
Connor. Holly.
I made a mental note of the two names at the top of my imaginary hit list.
I blinked and I was back in the boardroom.
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British author, Charlotte Howard, was born in Oman and spent much of the first part of her life flitting between Oman, Scotland, and England. Now settled in Somerset, Charlotte lives with her husband, two children, and growing menagerie of pets.
Her career as a writer began at an early age, with a poem being featured in an anthology for the East Midlands. Since then Charlotte has written many short stories and poems, and finally wrote her first full-length piece of fiction in 2010.
During what little spare time she has, Charlotte enjoys reading and writing (of course), spending time with her family, and watching action movies whilst eating curry and drinking tea.
Charlotte is an active member of Yeovil Creative Writers Group.
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